Wednesday, March 25, 2009

do the helen keller!

volatilis, dolosus, mortifer

right now,  i'm Mr. Ten-weeks. and i'm still spouting this gung-ho shit. i think a part of me doesn't want this to end. most people just can't wait for their 'lives' to resume.. 
2 weeks then uni application closes.. then i fly to the land of betel nut girls and ninja vans. and then quite possibly after that i fly to the land of a thousand smiles.. starlight 2 and my third longwalk... then 2 weeks of civilian conversion, and then i'm out of job and dough.. 
right now, there's a 33.333% chance i'll extend my service for another 6 months. why? because i actually like what i do.. 

Sunday, March 22, 2009


what exactly is a penultimatum? the penultimate ultimatum. this is the last time or else...
yeah. chew on that. 

with or without you.
peace out.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

my throat feels like shit.

voice has gone AWOL. throat doesn't hurt, i just sound weird. maybe i've been shooting my mouth off too much. the loss or rather lack of voice is pretty irritating, especially when you want things done. but i guess you still get around. i'm beginning to find that there is more than one way to cook bad eggs.

it's been a terrible week of rushing to wait and waiting to rush. and everyone pretends it's okay. on paper, things look good. on the ground, murphy is having a field day... everyday. i think an explanation is long overdue... and stop blaming murphy. leadership is not about dominance, it's about solving other's problems dammit. 

attitude reflects leadership

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

my life would suck without you.

i know that i got issues, but you're pretty messed up too. either way i found out i'm nothing without you. nothing like a good ride to perk things up. even the worst rides put a smile on my face (or nice gashes.) dysfunctional? yes, very much so.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

i'm back bitches!

i've enough of spur lines, ridge lines, ravines, river crossings and whatnot. my legs have clocked more than enough mileage. it's time for servicing. a bunch of us just realised that there's not much difference between us and the Ranger course. 1 month straight kenna weekend burn to chiong sua. plus it's not the normal kind of outfield stuff. really third-class special forces. special force kind of training, without the recognition. haha.

and then when it's all over, and it's time for review, some people just like pointing out the sawdust when there's a whole f@#king sawmill in their own prejudiced eyes. i guess it comes with the territory. true to our unofficial motto, only a scout would know, it really is a thankless job. i know they say it's up to you to change things, but sometimes the people who can make the change, are not willing to tackle the real problems. 

indeed, inaction is a cause of mass destruction