Wednesday, May 13, 2009

questions, so many questions..

chillout man.. ice it. sometimes there is only so much you can talk about. why are you doing this? why you so stupid volunteer this kind of thing? i guess some people get it, and those that don't sometimes feel threatened that maybe, they're not getting something. geez chill man, no need to get insecure about it. seriously. get your own shit.

how about, i find it meaningful and i enjoy doing it? how about, i'd rather be training my guys, instead of pounding the pavement, burning holes in the ground? how about volunteering so that others don't have to? i guess if you don't wanna learn certain things now,

it's gonna hurt a whole lot more when you learn it later.

Friday, May 8, 2009

who gives a shit.

when you feel your heart's guarded, and you see the break's started. when the clouds have all departed. you'll be right here with me. and i won't give a shit what anyone else says. 'cos you'll be right here wit me. read whatever you want. outside and inbetween, inside out and outside in. and i won't give a shit. cos you'll be right here wit me.

all i needed was  a  call from between first and amistad.
just a little late.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

this is your wake up call.

can't bring myself to do the things that need to be done. in fact, i've been bumming around the house the whole day. even going down to francis' to get ol' spankie is such a challenge. even jose cuervo sitting in the freezer does not interest me.. 
i need a wake up call. now.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

success is relative.

whoever controls the media, controls reality.. or so to speak.

swine flu, success vs failure, economy.. blah blah blah. each one of those is all relative. where does fact start and fantasy begin. staying positive is one thing. what about staying honest with oneself? a couple of people have told me, i should stop imagining things. well i'm sorry. i see what i see and i say it as it is. it's all fun and games because you people don't take things seriously.
some things can't be laughed off, don't give me that 打了就算了 crap. sometimes i really wonder if you guys really know what you're doing. the only way that you can go to your LSTs, KTV lounges and whatever it is that you guys enjoy doing, is dependent on how well we go about doing our jobs. because a bad day at the office could very possibly be your last day.. ever. don't tell me you'll do the right thing when the time comes.. if you don't do it now, you won't know how to do it when the 7.62 takes your buddy's head off.

and yet, there is reluctance to address the problem. stop kidding yourselves. after our first 'success in which we showed our fighting spirit', you would have to find at least another 200 boys willing to die for you. keep lying to yourselves and sooner or later the very people you need, start leaving. quite funny really. 3G my ass. you're losing the good ones and retaining the very people who are the problem.

and don't even get me started on my understudy. he's like a toddler. constantly blabbing and messing up, except for cute part which is lacking. the future looks just smashing. 

i don't usually do this, and i hate to admit it, but i'm jumping ship. 
