Friday, June 12, 2009

i got christmas without the presents because..

i did not get all the autographs. the wise men followed a different star and did not turn up. the shepherd took overseas leave and his sheep can't seem to get their act together. and yes, the angels did come to herald the glorious event, but christmas without a certain pink colored gift is just not... christmas.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


fourth finger.. ring finger.. or whatever it's called.. on my left hand. grazed shoulder and knee. how? observe the pic on the banner at the top of this page. same place.. same clothes (says a lot about my wardrobe) and almost same position, except i landed sideways... i have no idea why i didn't bail. maybe it was because i just drew blood for a blood test. or maybe it was because that the blood that they were drawing outta my veins was thick, dark and slow flowing... yikes. anyways i guess the thick and slow flowing properties made the blood clot almost immediately. popped the finger back in and that was the end of my skatepark session.

at least my face didn't come to any grief this time.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

good help is just so hard to find..

these days. somehow, somewhere in the 'production line', something is missing. maybe they took out certain 'processes'. or maybe the QC department is sleeping. i don't mean to sound arrogant, but they just don't produce specs like us anymore.

how did the benchmark fall so far? yes, i'm talking about my replacements, understudies. is the interest lacking somewhere? maybe, suddenly the price of freedom became too costly? you can't own what you can't defend. get that into your self-centered, immature brains. sometimes the very people you lead should be leading you.

well yes, perhaps you guys got the shorter end of the stick. maybe you weren't taught certain things. well don't expect to be spoon fed. no one seems remotely interested in stepping up, to the benchmark left behind by the seniors. all i hear is lip service as you all sit your proud incompetent arses down in your comfort zone.

i suppose we as seniors could have done more in the handing over. but it takes two hands to clap. if you are going to just let the good work from the first year go down the drain, i can do nothing. it is now your business. if you can't do it for yourselves, then at least you owe it to the guys to step up and lead.
you are only as strong as your weakest link.