Wednesday, January 2, 2008

let me tell you about a guy i know.

he's one mean, uncompromising bastard when it comes to work. but goes easy when it concerns himself. full of arrogance, when in an advantageous position. demands things that he himself finds hard to live up to. tries to please everyone although he preaches to others that you can't please everybody. for no apparent reason, goes off, at random, on trips to "ride", "dirt jump", and drink. and strangely enough, enjoys it, despite the falls, cuts, bruises, hangovers, and bust-ups. struggles to wake up every morning because his eyes are usually red and puffy, and nose is sniffly. Plus, despite looking like shit, gives shit to people because they are "not running in step" or ask why people are "too tired, cannot run in cadence is it?!!" pretends not to care when he does. wages war on his body, just 'cause he can. tries all sorts of crazy shit just 'cos it seems fun. occasionally fills up his waterbag with stella, tiger, or whatever 7-eleven has on offer. and despite being, obviously, messed up, acts like he's damn proud of it. oh yes, and even when backed up in a corner, threatened, and of course, when in the wrong, will not admit it, no matter what.

your love it keeps me warm, helps me through the storm.
keeps me safe from harm.

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