Friday, July 31, 2009

live to die another day.

someone once said, 
the first step towards realising your dreams is to wake up first. 

which seems to be a problem 'cos i'm like on GMT, not GMT+7 which i'm supposed to be on. i spent 2 hours staring at the ceiling last night and then i beat my mac at expert level chess, killed badass terrorists on AA, and only then could i sleep at a very unhealthy 4am. sleep like a log until i wake up feeling like i've slept 2hours only to realise that it's 1pm!

that aside, i just can't seem to stop thinking of the damned thesis and the implications for my final project. i guess the reluctance to put anything to print is because i don't wanna confirm things now. and yes, i know we do our best in the given time, but sometimes you really wonder if there's more which you could've done.

which brings me to the sad state of spankie. i think i need to take the old girl out for a ride and wash(reckon i've forgotten how to bunny-hop), but the unhealthy sleeping pattern seems to keep tripping these plans up.

man i miss the army. life was simple. and yes, it pays well. now i'm like some broke loser. digging for coins here and there just to get in the gym, take public transport. if i cab, then my budget is f@#*ed. 

funny how defending the 'way of life' turns out to be easier than living that 'way of life'.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


ordied! orded! 24 days late!
and all i get for the past 2 years of service is a Certificate signed by Ah Choon, a Service Transcript and a testimonial by Ah Keong. The testimonial is so full of glowing praise, mum said she reckoned i could use it to apply for a scholarship as long as they do not consider my grades :P)

But the transcript was the most insightful and amusing. According to it, i'm a C grade specialist. and a second-grade one when it comes to my vocation. i guess mum was right, me and the grades never seem to agree. thank goodness grades do not always have the final say... 

it was good while it lasted i guess. God's been really good and it's amazing that my NS experience turned out so well. so good to a point where i actually contemplated extending service.

well i guess that's it for now. no more booking out... for now.
so when does reservist start? :P