Thursday, July 9, 2009


ordied! orded! 24 days late!
and all i get for the past 2 years of service is a Certificate signed by Ah Choon, a Service Transcript and a testimonial by Ah Keong. The testimonial is so full of glowing praise, mum said she reckoned i could use it to apply for a scholarship as long as they do not consider my grades :P)

But the transcript was the most insightful and amusing. According to it, i'm a C grade specialist. and a second-grade one when it comes to my vocation. i guess mum was right, me and the grades never seem to agree. thank goodness grades do not always have the final say... 

it was good while it lasted i guess. God's been really good and it's amazing that my NS experience turned out so well. so good to a point where i actually contemplated extending service.

well i guess that's it for now. no more booking out... for now.
so when does reservist start? :P

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