Tuesday, February 2, 2010


sometimes the lifeline of the cellphone becomes a leash around your neck. and in some cases, a noose even. it opens up our world, yet shrinks it. it gives you the impression that you can communicate on your terms, but in reality it imposes its terms on you instead. it breeds impatience, bombards your brain with electro-magnetic waves, and as much as it helps you connect with others, it disconnects you from reality.

people blast off texts with little thought. gone are the days of careful consideration of the letter-writing era. when you see a registered contact call, you assume immediately it's the contact. gone are the greetings and authentications.. who is really on the other end?

is it really so necessary to text that you are on your way home? not everyone had a telephone before cellphones, and don't tell me that they sent letters before telephones to herald their homecoming.

if two friends wanted to meet and one was late, the other would just wait... patiently, not knowing if the other was going to turn up. no need for a "i'm gonna be late" text. and of course the late one would be forced to be punctual the next time. oh no, i got better things to do.. really? like window shopping? (aka wandering around aimlessly) how important is that? if you really had something urgent to attend to, you'd go off and do it.. the other person was late after all. the way i see it, cellphones just give us more shit to worry about. why you never answer my call? why never reply my sms?

now everyone just goes around thumbf*#king their phones.
it's time to disconnect and reconnect with what's important.

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