Wednesday, June 30, 2010

she's the kind girl boys read about in magazines..

She is the one i see in my dreams.. Time's running out, gotta do it now.. She's the one i cannot live without.. yeah...

i'm ready to go in a minute, screw the mp3, there's no need for music.. out we go, and we're off into the cool night air.. smells of wet vegetation and a hint of burnt plastic.. it's quiet except for hadley purring away in the back, no obstacle insurmountable for us, as we cruise down the empty streets. all things become startlingly clear.. why didn't i come out earlier? wouldn't it be the same? doesn't matter what others say, i know her heart's cold as steel and she's got expensive taste.. and then there's that german heritage.. but hey..

you only get one shot, so make it count..
You might never get this moment again
the clock is ticking down it's the final round..
so tell me what is it that's stopping you now?
You never know unless you try
you'll only regret, sit and wonder at night..

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