Saturday, April 16, 2011

whatever is true..

whatever is noble, right, pure, lovely, whatever is admirable...
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.

i guess every once in awhile, i still catch myself worrying about things of this infuriating world. things which, we're oft told, are admirable, of value and therefore of utmost importance... only one small teeny little problem. i think we like to take all things spiritual and unexplainable out of the equation. we chase after the gifts and not the giver. we rationalize that it's ok because everyone else is chasing after these things. we grossly misplace our faith in achievements, possessions, relationships.

see the things we look up to as 'ideals', like things that are noble, right, pure, etc.. are called so, simply because it is impossible to fully uphold such values in a fallen world on our own effort. ever get told off for being too idealistic? nothing wrong, sometimes as citizens of heaven, we make 'lousy' citizens of earth.

i'm no model citizen myself. but i think the key is to recognize when i'm chasing after the wrong things and to refocus on the right stuff. plus, when nothing seems to be going right, remembering the admirable, excellent and praiseworthy things certainly helps.. 

instead of mulling over the present short-comings.

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