Thursday, October 29, 2009

actually this.

actually that. add chilli and ketchup while you're at it. but all the condiments in the world can't mask the bad taste in your mouth when you realise the fact that we praise and adore someone who is a mass-murderer. or after mitigation (if there is need for it), abets others to do terrible, unspeakable things.

ohh.. it's judgement...
well then, are we supposed to feel glad for the judgement? and sleep better at night because the survivors/victims were judged? or are we supposed to help the survivors/victims? aren't we then working against the judgement? hmm..

you don't know what you're talking about.. there are certain things that are beyond us...
um. okaay. but i'm guessing that you know wth you're talking about.. and despite certain things being beyond us, it's not beyond you eh?

it's a matter of perceptive.. (at this point, i sought clarification "what kind of perspective? 2 point? 3?" just ignored me and continued) you're focusing too much on the bad. most people like you refuse to see the good.. wow.. like i didn't know that already. in case you forget, i study that. changing people's perception. providing the 'right' 'information', so that you make the 'right' 'decision'. which is making you do what i want, whilst making you think that you made the decision all by yourself. okay. don't you see how screwed up that is? the fact that you believe in perspective is deeply troubling. it's like trying to put God in a box. you can't. and then, naturally, the best is saved for last, 'cos when you run out of ammo you start throwing the rusty relics.

young man, you can't talk like that... or even better.
that's blasphemy!

funny how people, full of their 'beliefs' and fire in their bellies (maybe because of all the add chilli here and there), get mad when we talk about this kinda stuff. end of the day, don't addchilli, ask the man himself. and he don't need defending. that's for sure.

how is it that we never discuss these kind of things? why, too controversial? will it spoil your perspective? man. i really hope you wake up your idea. and then of course that brings me to my pet peeve with hope. don't get me wrong, i think hope is a beautiful thing.

a beautifully crippling notion.

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