Thursday, October 15, 2009

i only wanted to begin.

my mouth writes cheques that i can't cash. i'd like to call it multi-tasking.. but it's more like multi-procastinating.
i'm beginning to suspect that i'm not a digital native... or even a digital immigrant for that matter. reckon i'm waaay of Pensky's scale. i'm probably like one of those third-world agrophobes that use digital technology grudgingly.. whilst pinning the blame for every problem with the world on the 'godless technology'.

self-study has been great so far.. considering the amount of time spent studying and analysing myself(eg. in the previous para). however, studies wise.. no real headway. of course, according to the more 'serious folks' i should stop celebrating ill-discipline and laziness. well i'm sorry if i offended you by keeping it real instead of AB-ing (acting busy). of course we should encourage people to be industrious, but wouldn't it be much better if they worked smart? think of the time, energy and raw materials saved..

anyways with self-study week already more or less halfway through.. i have already learnt a couple of things:
1. gravel applied to muddy patches will dry it out(better than digging drainage) and make it very ride-able.
2. berms (of the earth, dirt, sand variety, not the kind you wear) become uneven and eroded because idiots who don't know how to rail them, lock their brakes instead.
3. if you think you're gonna crash. you probably won't 'cos you'll slow down. needless to say, everytime you crash, it's a surprise.
4. party like a rockstar don't work when you can't drink(made esp worse when it's right in the middle of octoberfest..)
5. there's a really affectionate ash-colored cat that lives around the block.

okaay! so nothing multimedia related, not a digital native, sometimes i wonder if i'm in the right course. think the both sides of my brain need to have a meeting.

skatepark tml anyone?? wahahahahah

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