Thursday, December 31, 2009

loose lips sink ships.

i'm getting to grips with what you said.. i refuse to be pacified by dumbass lame finger-pointing. i use finger-pointing and not 'excuses' here.. because that is precisely what it is. and as much as we'd like to make issues sound bigger than ourselves, it never is. making it bigger than yourself just helps you sell it better. end of the day.. deep in the heart of hearts, is a selfish, self serving agenda..... aand if it helps a couple more people along the way, just smile and give yourself a pat on the back... yep, it was for the greater good.

happy new year.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

*hint *hint

*wink *wink.. get your own shit. man... i am sick and tired of having to legitimise things before going to confront the problem. why is there always a need to make one's cause legitimate before taking action? this is so typical. classic case of sour grapes and i have to start a CSI investigation? incredulous.

the trail is almost beyond repair. tried to fix things. but not as fantastic as before. should've known. felt the itch to go out and ride at 5 in the morning and there was no sleeping after that. and the reason why i look like a cooked lobster is evident in this picture taken by eric (another thing that is evident is that eric's shot framing and composition is mostly non-existent)...

*note the old faithful dorktag shirt and yes, the euro fat. hah.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

your mouth writes cheques..

your ass can't cash.. some dudes reckoned that we should f#*k off back to China.. okaay. keep it cool, maybe we can walk away.. but then one of us suddenly became proud of his ancestry (or was spoiling for a fight) and i didn't get to finish my drink. 3 dudes not wanting to go back to china vs 4 punks.. and eye of the tiger was blasting in the background. truly cinematic.
i'm really grateful for ns and all that training. 'cos i didn't see no white supremacy. we binned all four of them. i kinda figured that the white trash would've felt at home with the rest of the trash. taking the trash out never felt so good. oh yeah.

cops? what about them? your parents pay taxes? well then there you go. they on our payroll. and when you're a visitor to someone's house, don't shit on their couch yeah?

so, after rubbish duty, i was still buzzin.. tried to make myself useful.. and rediscovered toto as well as the scorpions whilst re-writing a chapter for my dissertation. even went for prata.. the oyster omelette keeps evading me. i then proceeded to over-book myself for today.. and now i got multiple appointment clashes. if only there was a way to clone myself. i hate cancelling.

haven't slept a wink.. still buzzing. i'd like to think it's 'cos i'm still on GMT, hah.
maybe a good run will kill the buzz. then i'll oversleep and screw the rest of the appointments for the day. blatant disregard for others is sometimes quite refreshing.

Monday, December 14, 2009

when the roof caved in..

and the truth came out. well in reality, the roof never did cave in enough to bring about the changes so direly needed to effect lasting solutions. we just white-washed over the cracks. yeah i know you meant well. i didn't mean any harm either.... just thought that maybe, you'd look better with your two front teeth missing.

honest man. i thought i was all for the best. so here goes. hope you have steel-capped boots so no one's toes get stepped on.

i'm only here don't shout it (circa jan '09)
but sometimes i guess that's the only way to get things off your chest. i guess i hate failure so i quit when things are going great. perhaps that explains the shouting yeah. :P just remember,
you gotta read between the lines just in case you need it when you're older.

drop it like it's hot. (circa march '09)
and if them pigs try to get yer, park it like it's hot. to put things nicely, it's called retrograde. that is the problem. do you stay and fight, or live to fight another day? like hollywood so romantically puts it. it's the cowards that survive wars. them jokers who end up as heroes didn't do squat compared to those who died. it's just that the propaganda-media machine has to find someone which everyone can glorify and rally around. history is written by the victor.

7/10 (circa april '09)

focus and you experience unparalleled clarity. tuesday, 2/3 jose. wed, more drinks than i ever imagined. thurs, the remaining 'you can't get drunk on beer!', fri, 'you haven't come by, have a couple more, on the house..' interesting fact: the only psychedelic trips i had were with high fevers. no chemical assistance needed. SO YOU GONNA BAN FEVERS NOW?

guess this is where i'll have to stand (circa may '09)
i guess the trick is in liking what you've already got. so now i finally know where our motto was plagiarized from.. the legendary legionnaires. not the roman kind, the french ones. come on man.. we can do better right? or you know what.. i'll just join them. terms are better than serving your own country. how does that all add up? weird ain't it?

tell me baby. (circa june '09)
was the butter good? truth be told, it was really quite tame. like don't you need to work tomorrow? or like when this was popular, i was in primary school, and you were still drinking milk. think i'm done for good.

no title. just pure bitchin (circa july '09)
4 overseas exercises enought to rival a regular... flown in choppers more than some regulars will ever dream of....UH-1H once, AS332 twice, CH-46 once. what's the AS332? well, that's the SuperPuma.. how do i know that? oh yes, forgot to mention i'm the only joker to get 49/50 for the target recognition test :P whilst most people will undertake longwalk once in their entire lifetime, i walked it 3 times. and it's not because i sucked and had to recourse. and might i add, every time it was completed in under 30h, with all checkpoints found.

just let it be? (circa sept '09)
yeah. i'll let it be. call it cowardice, no balls, whatever. there's nothing to prove. go ahead. spread the word. there's a new coward in town.
hi. my name is andrew, i'm a tight-fisted, penny pinching cheapskate. the pain somehow outweighs the price. suddenly nothing seems worth the effort anymore.
yeah i know, without hard work and dedication, things wouldn't be the way they are. screw that, what is so fantastic about the way things are?

so.. any swollen toes? hahah. i guess things are time sensitive. right now, no kick. indeed. history is written by the victor. there is no loser's side of the story.. 'cos it's written by the victor. All forms of media, by nature is biased and we will never know what really did go down.

like for instance, we all think that the Nazi concentration camps were closed down after WWII. wrong. most of these camps were in Soviet held territory. in fact, when the Germans surrendered, the Allies hadn't taken Berlin. The Soviets beat them to it. so what of the concentration camps? well Stalin thought it a great waste to close them down, and since he had a whole lot of his own dissidents, the camps stayed open and were filled with political opponents and dissidents. so the abuses, and gassing never stopped.

the implications are on everything we know and thought to be true. you can call it cynicism or unbelief. well then, who gave us free will? and who created us to have the ability to think critically?