Thursday, December 17, 2009

*hint *hint

*wink *wink.. get your own shit. man... i am sick and tired of having to legitimise things before going to confront the problem. why is there always a need to make one's cause legitimate before taking action? this is so typical. classic case of sour grapes and i have to start a CSI investigation? incredulous.

the trail is almost beyond repair. tried to fix things. but not as fantastic as before. should've known. felt the itch to go out and ride at 5 in the morning and there was no sleeping after that. and the reason why i look like a cooked lobster is evident in this picture taken by eric (another thing that is evident is that eric's shot framing and composition is mostly non-existent)...

*note the old faithful dorktag shirt and yes, the euro fat. hah.

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