Wednesday, December 16, 2009

your mouth writes cheques..

your ass can't cash.. some dudes reckoned that we should f#*k off back to China.. okaay. keep it cool, maybe we can walk away.. but then one of us suddenly became proud of his ancestry (or was spoiling for a fight) and i didn't get to finish my drink. 3 dudes not wanting to go back to china vs 4 punks.. and eye of the tiger was blasting in the background. truly cinematic.
i'm really grateful for ns and all that training. 'cos i didn't see no white supremacy. we binned all four of them. i kinda figured that the white trash would've felt at home with the rest of the trash. taking the trash out never felt so good. oh yeah.

cops? what about them? your parents pay taxes? well then there you go. they on our payroll. and when you're a visitor to someone's house, don't shit on their couch yeah?

so, after rubbish duty, i was still buzzin.. tried to make myself useful.. and rediscovered toto as well as the scorpions whilst re-writing a chapter for my dissertation. even went for prata.. the oyster omelette keeps evading me. i then proceeded to over-book myself for today.. and now i got multiple appointment clashes. if only there was a way to clone myself. i hate cancelling.

haven't slept a wink.. still buzzing. i'd like to think it's 'cos i'm still on GMT, hah.
maybe a good run will kill the buzz. then i'll oversleep and screw the rest of the appointments for the day. blatant disregard for others is sometimes quite refreshing.

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